Solutions ITW News | Point of Sale Software Development Services for Goodwill

Solutions ITW Introduces Solutions Media Scanner™ Software

Written by Elias Bustos | Oct 28, 2019 6:07:27 PM

Goodwill stores receive thousands of media items per year. Items such as books, DVDs, music CDs, video games, and more. While getting these donations is a great thing, it provides a unique challenge to Goodwill employees.

Media items take a lot of labor and expertise to determine the price, or if it should even go out on the floor at all. Labor that does not result in a sale is lost labor and finding as well as training employees with the level of expertise needed to handle media items is expensive.

Goodwills need a way to maximize media revenue by speeding up processing and eliminating the learning curve. 

Solutions ITW solves these challenges with our new software Solutions Media Scanner™. This software allows processors of any experience to easily scan a media item bar code and query an online database to process the media. The application returns an easy-to-understand, color-coded screen informing the user of the price point for the item. It even allows the processor to know if an item is not worth placing on the floor for sale. Processors are also informed if an item is of particular value and needs to be set aside. Price point business rules are customized to a Goodwill’s needs and managed through a central, web portal.

No more days of training new media processors. No more guessing at media values. No more missing out on high-value, media items. Solutions Media Scanner™ allows Goodwills to maximize their media donations and contribute more to their mission.

For more information on Solutions Media Scanner™, give us a call or schedule a demo with us today!